Faculty Center Site!

Office of Accessible Education

Baldwin Wallace University's Office of Accessible Education creates usable, equitable, inclusive learning environments for qualified students with disabilities by ensuring equal access to all University programs, services and activities. DSS works with students, faculty and staff in the development and implementation of appropriate accommodations while maintaining the academic standards and course integrity of Baldwin Wallace.

Information regarding Baldwin Wallace Sexual Misconduct and Complaint Resolution can be found on Jacket Connect.
Baldwin Wallace supports responsible research which promises to increase knowledge and understanding, and encourages the highest ethical standards among BW researchers. To ensure these safeguards and standards are met, the Office of Responsible Research houses the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the protection of human subjects and an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) for the protection of animal subjects.
Course Eval

Baldwin Wallace uses an online course evaluation system, CoursEval™, for gathering and disseminating the results of student evaluation of instruction. Information and release schedule can be found on the Institutional Academic Assessment Jacket Connect Group under the CoursEval block.
Faculty Development Grants

A primary function of the Faculty Development Committee is to review and recommend applicants for sabbatical and summer grant funding. Recommendations for sabbatical are completed and sent to the Provost early fall semester. Recommendations for summer grant funding are completed early spring semester.
Lending Library

Indicate your interest in a resource from the Faculty Center Lending Library by clicking the reservation link and completing the “check-out” form. Books may be borrowed for a three (3) week period, and then returned via campus mail to Academic Affairs- Bonds 201.

The Undergraduate Research and Creative Studies (URCS) at BW enables the partnership of a student and a professor in a creative, hands-on approach to learning. Our programs provide the student/faculty teams with the resources necessary to conduct research and in-depth projects in all fields.