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TAKE 10 Faculty Development
Teaching Tech Talks
In less than half an hour, you may tune in and learn something new in Teaching Tech Talks on Tuesdays, sponsored by the *Jacket Give-Back Faculty Network in collaboration with the Faculty Center.
*Jacket Give-Back Faculty Network consists of BW faculty who attended professional conferences supported by the Faculty Center. The purpose of this network is to disseminate learnings from those professional workshops to the broader BW community. Teaching Tech Talks on Tuesdays will feature materials created by our BW faculty based upon their participation in the Faculty Center Summer Academy.
Links to Teaching Tech Sessions:
Teaching Tech Talks Spring 2022
How Formulating a Throughline Enhanced my Pedagogy Using Meant.io
Autonomy and Mutual Respect Code: C%u7t!ii
Unpacking Our Teaching Applications in Canvas
Jacket Give Back Faculty Network Report
Teaching Tech Talks Spring 2021