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20-Minute Mentor
Managing Your Course through Uncertainty: Using Empathy & Experimentation
Recorded Panopto Session
Lori Long, Burton D. Morgan Endowed Chair in Entrepreneurial Studies and Professor from the School of Business offers a bonus 20 Minute Mentor session to help us think about approaching our work differently as we begin a new academic year. Please take twenty (20) minutes at your leisure to review the session below.
Session Recording:
The Essentials of Podcasting for Class: Techniques and Technology
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Joe Tarantowski, Communication Arts & Sciences
Session Recording:
The Essentials of Podcasting for Class: Techniques and Technology - recording_1
This virtual session provides insights on the use of headphones, microphones, monitors, cameras, lighting, backdrops and general strategies for making the most from the equipment you have and how to improve with just a little investment. Joe will guide you in effective delivery of course content via technology.
Closing the Digital Gap: Accessible Materials for All Learners
July 21, 2020
Cynthia Dieterich, School of Education
Session Recording:
This session provides general strategies to create accessible course materials that benefit all students in the online environment. Specifically, leveraging tools that are currently available to the BW community.
Engaging Students Through Asynchronous Learning
July 7, 2020
Julie Miller, Communications Arts and Sciences
Session Recording:
Students don't have to be together in a physical or virtual classroom to be engaged. This session will provide you with some quick tips on ways to engage students on their own time through asynchronous learning.
End Game: Backward Design
June 23, 2020
Mary Pisnar from the School of Business
Session Recording:
This session will model the process of backward course design using a comprehensive set of rubrics that facilitate clear instructor guidelines, student engagement, and content definition. Using one course that has been re-designed, this session will walk faculty through the process that begins with a clear understanding of overall course objectives, then moves through creating a simple, yet standardized course structure to enable student engagement.
Library Resources
June 9, 2020
Laurie Willis from Ritter Library
Session Recording:
Videos, books, and articles for free and I can link to Bb?—Oh my!! - recording_1
In this session, Laurie will guide you in the task of finding teaching materials and resources to guide students’ learning.
Videos, books, and articles for free and I can link to Bb?—Oh my!! Say hello to content that you can easily integrate into Bb and gain tools on how to chat with the librarians to tap into the expertise. The session will highlight the subscription databases that offer content to deploy in your remote or F2F classes.